Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Stash Teas

A company response posted on Delphi Forums - Avoiding Corn states that plain Stash Teas are corn-free.

Some of their flavored teas do contain dextrose from corn, of the 14 flavored teas inquired about, only 3 were found safe: Chai Spice, Green Chai, and Lemon Spice. So do use caution with their flavored teas.

According to Stash Teas, their plain teas include: English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Peppermint, Chamomile, Fusion Green & White, Fusion Red & White, Green Tea, etc.

The bags are untreated and according to their website sourced from wood. The company states that there is no corn in the bag itself.

There was no inquiry into problems with cross-contamination.

As with all things, do let us know if you have problems with this or any other products.

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