Friday, October 13, 2023

Moderates Food List (personal experience may vary)

 Moderates Food List updated 10/2023

This is a compilation of some of the safer items for moderates, and as such, you

may find items that you tolerate that aren’t featured on this list. This is intended

to be a jumping off point for people that are struggling to find any safes to

eat/use. Remember to trial all items suggested carefully. Just because other

moderate people pass these does not mean you will!

Remember “brands” matter! It comes down to processing aids and practices.

These companies or individuals can change their practices at any time but

historically have been the most corn safe. These still need to be checked against

other allergens.

Fruits and Vegetables

Spray free Citrus and avocados –

Mail Order Avocados, Citrus and Pears – Hunter DePolo text or call 760-818-6307

Spray free citrus – Chaffin Farms

Spray free dates – Flying disc ranch.

365 Organic Frozen raspberries and wild blueberries

WF 365 Organic Frozen no added salt petite peas

WF organic sweet potatoes

Bionaturae and Jovial glass jar tomato products

Grains and Flours

Royal Basmati rice in the 20 lb burlap bag

Lundburg white organic Jasmine, Basmati and sushi rice

Great Valley Wild Rice

Fall River Wild Rice

Trader Joe’s Wild Rice

Lotus Foods – brown rice ramen

Barney’s Almond Meal and almond flour

Wellbee’s Almond Flour

Teff flour from – dedicated teff fields & facility

Tropical Traditions (healthy traditions) coconut flour

Wildly Organic/Wilderness Family Naturals Coconut Flour

Wildly Organic/Wilderness Family Naturals Coconut Chips (big flakes)

OTTO’s cassava flour 15 lb bag – email to ask if bags are from the corn free dedicated line BUT soon all

lines should be on a dedicated line

Eden Organic dry black, navy, white, garbanzo beans in box or bulk bag

Sujata Gold Atta Wheat Flour

Eikorn All Purpose Whole Wheat Flour

Jovial Eikorn AP Wheat Flour

Authentic Foods Rice flour

Authentic Foods Potato starch

Authentic Foods Tapioca Starch

Authentic Foods Arrowroot starch

Penzeys Arrowroot starch

Frontier Organic Arrowroot starch


Vital Farms Brown Label Eggs

Egglands best Organic and Cage Free Eggs

Tropical Traditions (Healthy Traditions) eggs. Do NOT order the private reserve because those chickens have been fed “Non GMO” corn. Remember corn is corn.


Circle C Farm – whole fryer chickens without the vinegar wash

Northstar Bison – All animals except beef are water processed. Anything ground is less likely to be


Empire Frozen Whole Chicken and Whole Turkey

Wild Planet Tuna and Salmon with no salt added

Aldi Grassfed Beef – vacuum packed

Butters and Oils

4 th and Heart Ghee

Allgau Fond of Foods German Grass Fed butter

Jovial Olive oil

Rallis Olive Oil

Aldi Simply Nature Organic Olive, Avocado, Grapeseed Oils

Trader Joe’s Grapeseed Oil

Tropical Traditions (healthy traditions) gold label Coconut Oil

Kirkland Coconut oil from Costco with the orange lid

Tropical Traditions Palm Oil

Chosen Foods Avocado Oil in glass as some are saying they are reacting to the newer plastic bottles

Sugar and Honey

NOW brand beet sugar

C&H sugar in paper bags

365 Cane Sugar

Zulka Morena Cane Sugar

Sugar Maple Farms Maple Grade A Syrup in plastic jug

Patterson Maple Syrup - Dairy Defoamer

The Maple Guild Maple Syrup

Plantation blackstrap molasses

East Hill Honey

Tropical Traditions (healthy traditions) Raw Honey


Home ground Himalayan Salt – large blocks purchased from Amazon

Celtic Sea Salt

Redmond’s Sea Salt

Penzeys Kosher Flake Salt

Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt

Spices, & Baking

Penzeys Single ingredient spices

Frontier Single Ingredient Spices

Simply Organic Single Ingredient Spices (this is the store brand version from Frontier)

Red Star 3 Pack Strips active dry yeast

Hain Featherweight baking powder

Karlin’s baking soda

Aldi’s Baking Soda

Braggs ACV with the mother

Mountain Rose Herbs Psyllium Husk -whole and ground

Great Lakes Kosher beef and pork gelatin

Vital Proteins gelatin and Collagen

Gefen Baking Soda

Gefen Baking Powder


Camino – Natural cocoa powder (no Dutch processing)

Camino Dark Chocolate

HU dark chocolate – simple only

Equal Exchange Chocolate Chips dark chocolate semi sweet

Wildly Organic, formerly Wilderness Family Naturals, raw cacao powder, unfermented

Wildly Organic, formerly Wilderness Family Naturals, Unfermented Cacao Nibs

Seeds and Nuts

Wilderness Poets Raw Almond butter

Wilderness Poets Pecan Butter

Wilderness Poets Pistachio Butter

Artisana raw cashew butter in packets. It is better tolerated in packet form vs in glass jar

Terra Soul- Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Raw Cashews, Almonds

Braga – raw cashews, almonds

Trader Joe’s raw organic nuts, unsalted

Wilderness Poets whole raw California almonds

Wilderness Poets Raw Mylk and whole cashews

Wilderness Poets Pecans

Wilderness Poets Pistachios

Dairy & “Dairy”

Cheese - Organic Rumiano cheese - except pepperjack

Cheese - Sierra Nevada Organic Raw cheese

Milk - Maple Hill Farms Organic Grass Fed Whole Milk (no added vitamins)

Yogurt - Maple Hill Greek Yogurt (plain only)

Yogurt - Maple Hill Keifer (plain)

Cream - Kalona heavy cream

Cream - Kalona Super Natural Organic Heavy Cream and Half and Half

Water, Juices, Coffee & other drinks

Water - Crystal Geiser Water (bottling site specific)

Water - Gerolsteiner Sparking Mineral Water - in glass

Water - Mountain Valley Plain Sparkling Mineral Water

Coconut Water - Harmless Harvest Coconut Water

Apple Juice - Martinelli’s Apple Juice -glass bottles are the most tolerated

Juices - Lakewood Organic Single Ingredient Juices – not from concentrate

Grape Juice - Kedem Grape Juice in Glass Bottle

GT’s Kombucha (Synergy)

Tea - Traditional Medicinals teas (hibiscus, chamomile)

Coffee - Café Cristina Coffee

Coffee - Campfire Coffee Company

Tea - Numi Teas

Tea - Frontier Loose Leaf

Chips and Snacks

Simply Mints

Wild Zora Meat and Veggie Bars Lamb and Turkey

Essential Oils

DoTerra – steam extracted

Young Living – steam extracted


Plant therapy


*Ingredients can change at any moment. Make sure to always double check inactive ingredients on

packaging or on dailymed. Google dailymed and put in NDC number. Scroll down to ingredients. Not

everyone will tolerate the options below. The only truly corn free medications will most likely need to be

compounded to be free of corn and corn derivatives

Zyrtec Tablets (not liquid gels or chewables)

Xyzal Tablets

Famotidine - Member’s Mark brand 

Amoxicillin - Teva Brand Amoxicillin 500 mg caplets

Penicillin - Rocephin injections – check inactive ingredients as some now contain dextrose

Guaifenesin - Healthy Village Guaifenesin Single Ingredient Expectorant in Gelatin Capsules

Aspirin - Frontier White Willow Bark


Ancestral supplements Desiccated Beef Capsules

Now liquid Magnesium with trace minerals

Ancient Mineral Flakes – Magnesium flakes or magnesium oil spray

Calm Brand Unflavored Magnesium

Jarrow Quercetin

Jarrow Zinc Balance

Jarrow Reduced Glutathione

Green Pastures Cod Liver Oil, unflavored

Green Pastures Cod Liver Oil, fermented unflavored

Jarrow B Rite

Natures Way Activated Charcoal

Natures Way Nettle Leaf

Eidon Ionic Minerals Zinc

Vit D – Carlson’s Drops (check the inactive ingredients as some now contain soy)

Saptone Liquid Iron

Iron Fish

NOW Calcium Carbonate

Pure brand Calcium Carbonate

Personal Care Products

JR Liggett’s shampoo bar

Kiss My Face Olive Oil Soap Bar

Gluten Free Savonnerie GF soap, shampoo and conditioners

Br. Bronner’s Baby Castile liquid soap

Sappo Hill unscented soap

Mama Suds Soap

Vera Josephine – (allergy friendly soaps and shampoo bars)

Oleo Botanicals Camilia Oil

Alima Pure - Satin Matte Foundation, Loose Mineral Blush, Mineral Eyeliner

Bellaphoria make-up –10% discount code CORNFREE10

Desert Essence Tea Tree Floss Tape

Dr. Teals Epsom Salts for baths (unscented)

Redmond’s Unsweetened Spearmint Earthpaste or Powder

Humphrey’s Witch Hazel

NOW Organic Shea Butter

Detergents & Cleaning Products

20 Mule Team Borax

Molly’s Laundry Powder, Unscented

Ecos Free and Clear built in fabric softener – diluted can also be used for dishwashing and bug control in garden. Do not get stain fighting version as it contains citric acid.

SigNature Suds

Dr. Bronner’s Unscented Baby Castile Liquid Soap

Soap Nuts

Unscented Oxyclean

Ecos Oxo Brite

Bon Ami

Household Goods

Scott 1000 Toilet Paper

Bounty Plain Paper Towels

Ziplock slider bags (regular and freezer)

Food Saver vacuum seal bags and rolls

Reynolds Aluminum Foil

Reynolds Parchment Paper

If You Care Parchment Paper

Hippo Sak Garbage bags – Made from sugar cane

Harvest Guard or Tattler Canning jar lids

Baby Items

*Listed below are several formula options that don’t contain actual corn solids but still contain corn

derivatives. These will need to be looked into and trialed very carefully as they are not completely free

of corn contamination.

Cloth diapers

Bambo Nature Diapers

Draper Bamboo DIapers

Water Wipes

Serenity Kids Roots and Squash Pouches

Infant Formula:

*Almentium Ready to Feed **extra caution due to some recent ingredient changes

*Similac 360 Total Care

Toddler Formula:

*Essential Care Jr. Formula

*Hipp Pre Ha Formula

*Kabrita Goat Formula

*Sammy’s Milk Formula

*Else plant-based toddler drink formula

Child through Adult Formula/Tube Feeding:

*Kate Farms

School/Art Supplies

Colorations Washable Markers

Colorations Crayons

Colorations Dry Erase Markers

Colorations Colored Pencils

Colorations Liquid Glue

Colorations Glitter Glue

Colorations Glitter

Prang Hygieia chalk sticks

*Items dropped due to production changes and reported reactions

Jovial pastas 2023-multiple reactions due to an undisclosed change in processing

Siete – Everything 2023 -shared facility/possibly processing lines with corn chips

That’s It Bars 2023- Canola Oil as a processing aid (switching back and forth between this and olive oil)

Aroy-D Coconut Milk 2023- undisclosed/unlabeled (in US) emulsifier


Saim Ali said...

your list is very comperhansive and you are right everyone has its own choice and each fruite, vegitable and spices reacts different to everyone pure Moroccan argan oil online in pakistan
organic rosehip oil online in pakistan

Anonymous said...

Another product to add w/ no corn:
*Nutribiotic, Electro-C, lemon* it’s Vit-C powder w/ electrolytes.
Their product says, which they confirmed via email 4/2024, no corn or corn derivatives are in this product.

Anonymous said...

I started having my typical Corn allergic reaction to Scott's toilet paper just this year after a decade of it being "safe" enough.

Anonymous said...

Patterson Maple syrup changed their defoamer.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this list, just an FYI some of the products you list contain citric acid which is made from mold and the mold is made from corn.

Anonymous said...

Consider adding Reel bamboo toilet paper. After I failed Scott 1000, I tried this. No reactions.

Victor P said...

This is a very helpful list for people who need it.